Empower Leadership

Empower Leadership

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Leadership Summit2

What's the difference between Community Service and Service Learning? Probably, there is no difference to most people but at Belhaven Middle School, we promote learning through leadership. During our most recent leadership day, our seventh graders performed a series of events to connect the community, their needs, and the capacity to reach their leadership goals.

The boys and girls split up to talk about gender specific topics and goals. For instance, the boys were introduced to former male students that are now seniors in high school. They talked about reaching out, what to expect in high school, and barriers to reaching their goals. The alumni were accepted to universities like Notre Dame and American University.

A local parent, who was former GM of the NY Jets, talked about his goals and accomplishments during his career.

Another component had girls and boys talk to a local martial artist about overcoming fears and barriers. This culminated in breaking a board with barriers written on it. After a barbeque lunch. the students and teachers went to the local library to plant flowers, paint, sort books, and rake the grounds. Why are we doing this? was a main question of the day that separated community service from service learning. Rock on seventh graders!!

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