Empower Leadership

Empower Leadership

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Be Where You Want to Be

26. Be Where You Want To Be

“If you don’t like where you are, do something about it.”

t’s easy to complain. Ask anyone that complains. What isn’t easy is doing something positive about your complaint. Sometimes the place where you want to be is the place where you are, but you let negative people control your destiny. Every time a new idea comes along, they shoot it down.
My story growing up is like most educators. I worked jobs I did not necessarily like to make the money I needed to survive and go to college. And like many educators, I have worked in schools where I felt underappreciated, but I maintained my intrinsic motivation. And wherever you work and play, you have probably been in a place where you felt appreciated and a place where you were not appreciated.
Finally, with the help of everyone at Belhaven Middle School, we did something to keep our organization fine-tuned in a positive direction. We discovered this amazing leadership process called Renaissance that we molded to fit the needs of our school.
            The following is an excerpt from Elizabeth, a sixth grade social studies teacher.
            I am a middle school teacher of 25 years.  I reached a low point in my career about 10 years ago when the curriculum I was teaching was eliminated from the district’s plan.  I felt unappreciated, and that my contributions to the students I taught was not important. Unfortunately, I internalized these feelings and started to believe that I was unimportant, and I had nothing to offer to the profession I so dearly loved.  I was ready to leave my career prematurely. I was not proud of being a teacher anymore.
            Why did I stay? What keeps me inspired and connected to the world of teaching, learning, and leadership?  Fortunately for me and my co-workers an amazing leader brought an amazing program to our school……..
This history is important to the story because now our school’s climate is completely different. We brought the nationally known recognition and reward process called Renaissance to our administration, staffulty, students, and parents.  The program includes everyone and recognizes individuals on many different levels. It has created a culture where “everyone wants to be”. 
            The Renaissance process has changed my life professionally and personally.  I have a renewed sense of self worth. I feel appreciated for the things I contribute to the school and students.  Renaissance has created the “team” approach and the abundance mentality to our school and community.  I feel our staff is more productive, happier and has more fun.  We are inspired and more creative because we feel better about ourselves and what we do.  We feel respected.”
Everyone should feel appreciated, and everyone should be reminded of their importance frequently. If you don’t feel appreciated, create an environment that does appreciate everyone connected to your organization! Make no mistake about it. No matter what you do, some people will find a complaint. Those people missed the bus. Try to get them on board the next day but do not let them interrupt your mission. Move forward by accepting your responsibility as a leader.

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